The City of Lakewood second annual Fiesta de la Familia was a huge success. Held Sept. 9, 2023 at Fort Steilacoom Park, the free event brought together different cultures and traditions from South America, Mexico and Spain.
It also highlighted the work of local artists. Print NW sponsored a contest to showcase the utility box wraps around the city that display unique works created by local artists. Event attendees were asked to pick their favorite.
The fan favorite winner was Lakewood resident and high school student Sam Reed. Sam’s signal boxes are located at 112th Street SW and Bridgeport Way SW and 96th Street SW and South Tacoma Way SW. Congratulations Sam!
There was also a judged art show. The winner of the show was Juan La Torre. If you haven’t seen his work, come to Lakewood City Hall. His pieces cover the walls of the ground floor. Meet Juan in person and hear more about his work and inspiration at an artist reception Oct. 2 from 5-7 p.m. at City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW.
Event sponsors Twin Star Credit Union and Print NW donated gift cards to the winners.
Lakewood Mayor Jason Whalen, Deputy Mayor Mary Moss and Councilmembers Mike Brandstetter, Paul Bocchi, Patti Belle and Trestin Lauricella were honored to welcome Deputy Consul Gerardo Guiza from the Mexican Consulate. Deputy Guiza received a warm welcome from the council and shared a welcome with the crowd. Read his speech in English and Spanish.
The group of dignitaries also celebrated the completion of a mural at the restroom building near the playground. Artist Angelina Villalobos Soto was there to but the ribbon with the group.
Wonderful photos!
Delightful to see.
Thank you for sharing.