Submitted by Alan Billingsley.
Our community has teamed up with Clover Park Rotary to make improvements to Lakewood’s own South Sound Wildlife Area. The day for celebration of our accomplishments is soon here. October 7 is our next community work day and we will be doing our first Prairie Restoration Planting on that day.
Plan to join us from 9:00AM to 1:00PM as we remove the tarps that have been in place all summer long killing the invasive plants and their seeds and planting the first of many native grasses and flowers that once covered this entire area. Once a large part of Lakewood, these Prairie areas are now down to the last 3% of what once was a dominant ecosystem here and we plan to restore and keep this small area for future generations.
Come join the community in celebrating what has been accomplished in the past few years and help us move forward with the future development of what this amazing site can be for Lakewood.
Located on Phillips Road, this 90-acre area is open to the public during daylight hours for hiking, bird watching, dog walking and other uses consistent with a wildlife preserve. We invite you to come share the excitement and join the connection to our community.
For more information or to get involved, contact Alan Billingsley ( Rotary Project coordinator.
Great work, greatly conceived. THANK YOU Mr. Billingsley, CP Rotary & Lakewood community.