“Over the next few months, Puget Sound Energy customers may notice their natural gas bill will be a little higher.
“But according to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, those customers don’t need to be told why they’re paying more.” Read the rest of the story on KING5.com.
The Commission is supposed to look out for rate payers and their failure is reflection on the current administration in Olympia. We rate payers may have little recourse but suck up this increase, but we don’t have to sit idle by while Olympia trys to pull one over us.
Makes one wonder what other nefarious expenses government is hiding from the citizenry? It is really sad when a business wants to be more open and honest than the organization which was created and is charged with looking out for the people’s interests and well-being.
If PSE and other business entities (or government entities for that matter) notified the public of rate/tax increases what is government going to do about it? Close them down? Put them out of business? Fine them? I doubt it as the public would become incensed! It’s these kinds of government policies that need public blow back as well as identification of the responsible individuals who ought to be the ones closed down, put out of business and fined for their incompetence.
Elections have consequences. We have only ourselves to blame when we elect liberal, big government supporters to office. If you don’t like this kind of behavior, vote the folks that appointed these WUTC commissioners out of office. Start with the current representatives, senators, and governor.
Agreed. Continuing to vote for the same people who seem to think that the public has an “open checkbook” to fund their policies and to kowtow to all of their decisions is insane. Wondering when people will finally get fed up with what is going on.
This pure criminal
If we fail to pay they wouldn’t hesitate to cut us off
For a public utility it is actually a business. It seems they ask ratepayers to help pay for their upgrades to sustainable energy, they also ask for ratepayers to help pay for indigent payment help. Yet they continue to raise the salary of the CEO to more than $4million.
The state also ‘fines’ them if they don’t do enough business, which goes back to the ratepayers, even though their efforts are to reduce the cost and use of electricity.
The whole situation is hardly a win-win for the ratepayer.
Right On Point. The general public and others just trying to house, feed, nurture, care for their families and neighbors and help others any way they can are just Thankful every time they turn on the stove to cook dinner or warm up the living space, for the kids! To threaten these humans with losing everything just before the nights grow colder? Is in my book inhumane!!! Doesn’t matter whose in the higher office on the hill. It’s people helping people. Some of the people up there look down on us because we don’t have the nicer things? But, anyone willing to help his neighbor, or community. Help beautify your surroundings instead of tossing your gum wrappers on the street or garbage from take-out meals? Tossed out your car window? HELP … don’t be one who says, ” they got people to clean that up”??
Our Governor, twice, could not get his signature carbon tax legislation passed. He made the Legislature do his dirty work to impose this carbon tax upon WA residents, thus resulting in excessively high gas prices and now this “secret” PSE rate hike.
I hope, with his reign coming to an end, that the voters will break from recent tradition and vote balance into our state government.
This situation is the clearest example of government imposed censorship and violation of the 1st Amendment’s right of free speech you will see. All in the name of hiding the folly Cap & Trade climate change insanity. The “ruling class” doesn’t want you to know the reason you live paycheck to pay check is because they are making you pay for their alarmist unscientific belief/agenda to assert control.
Love it or hate it, the song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is what this is all about. For those saying “vote them out”, don’t hold your breath – there is too much ignorance/apathy in the electorate for this to happen – at least at this point. Wish it weren’t so. Pray for change of hearts and minds.