All utility work has been completed for the project with the exception of street lighting conduit between 83rd and Interlaaken. Crews have graded for various curbing this week and will continue to grade next week for sidewalk and concrete pavement in the roundabout at Lake City/Washington. Circulating island barrier and rolled curbs were poured at the Lake City/Washington and 83rd/Washington roundabouts. Additionally, the exterior curb and gutter was poured between Lake City and 83rd.
An ETC would be a great piece of information in this update. In addition, an over/under on cost and schedule should be provided.
AGREED!!! really who cares how the cake was stirred. When will it be done? And how much did it cost?
I agree!!! There has been more money poured into “Roundabouts” than Sidewalks and Lighting for Washington Blvd SW with exceptional of STOP Signs and Lights that would have made 5 less Roundabouts or maybe 6 Roundabouts on Washington Blvd SW. Traffic is Traffic flow whether Roundabouts or NO Roundabouts in the city of Lakewood. The money could have been used for housing the HOMELESS or Administrators pocketing the money.