TACOMA, Wash. – “Yesterday (August 24, 2023) there was an incident that injured a Tacoma Police Detective that resulted in the arrest of two adolescent suspects. I am thankful that the injuries the detective sustained are not worse. I am grateful for our officers and for the work that they do to keep our community safe. My thoughts are with the detective and his family, and everyone here at the City of Tacoma wishes him a speedy recovery.
While this latest incident did not end in tragedy, gun violence is a terrible disease that has infected communities across the country, and it’s a disease that’s taken far too many innocent lives.
As a community, we simply cannot accept gun violence as inevitable or status quo, especially when it involves our kids. It will take every one of us – law enforcement, government, schools, parents, non-profits and community groups, and individual community members – to step up and make safe spaces for our youth where they can leave the violence and the guns behind and just be kids.
There are programs and resources available today for Tacoma’s youth, including the Summer Teen Late Nights program. I am very grateful to our numerous non-profit partners for running this program and other programs this summer. They are prime examples of the kinds of partnerships that are needed across the board to cure the gun violence disease in our community.
As a community, we cannot ignore this latest tragic incident. We all must step up and do our part and say no more kids with guns.”
“…I am thankful that the injuries the detective sustained are not worse.”
Okay…What injuries?
Is it too much to ask that Tacoma’s mayor, quoted here at length, actually be *named*?
It’s the parents responsibility, not mine, not yours not the city’s to keep guns away fro kids.
I agree it’s on the parents and not us law abiding citizens
Maybe more work needs to be done with gangs in Tacoma
It takes a village to raise a child.
No gun has ever committed a crime or an act of violence – ever.
There are however, politicians who have emboldened others to commit these crimes and acts of violence, by removing consequences for doing so .
Same politicians responsible for this cultural decline, are working very hard on a reverse narrative to blame law abiding citizens instead of the perpetrators of these crimes.
Same politicians are using this false narrative to strip law abiding citizens of our God-given Constitutional Rights of self-protection against the very perpetrators whom these politicians make excuses for.
Same politicians are taking dark money from mega-donars who are working adamantly behind the scenes to achieve total control over our lives.
Politics is downstream of culture.
Look past the weapon, whatever it may be, at the person wielding it, and you will see the byproduct of failed leadership; failed mentoring; and failed policy.
There’s your epidemic .
100% agree, Brian
Well said mr Borgelt! It’s refreshing to hear a voice of reason based on facts as opposed to the garbage our corrupt politicians spew only to further their own agenda