Firefighters at the scene of a large brush fire at Seeley Lake Park at the 9100 block of Lakewood Drive. Fire under control, but firefighters are still on scene putting out hot spots. Cause under investigation. No injuries reported.
West Pierce Fire Rescue · · ·
Firefighters at the scene of a large brush fire at Seeley Lake Park at the 9100 block of Lakewood Drive. Fire under control, but firefighters are still on scene putting out hot spots. Cause under investigation. No injuries reported.
Traffic is slowed/impacted at the 9100 block of Lakewood Drive due to a brush fire in Seeley Lake Park. @WestPierce has a ladder truck on scene putting out the fire. Please drive slow through the area while crews respond. pic.twitter.com/yS2VlyjY1l
— Lakewood (WA) Police (@LakewoodPD) August 15, 2023
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I drove by there at around 3pm and they’re already out of the area so they got it under control thankfully.