Ever since I lost my wife not five months ago to cancer, my happy place has been among the flowers.
It is incredible to me to see how beautiful, how exquisite, how delicate, and detailed are these displays of an artistry the great painters of history would be hard pressed to design.
I think the Bumble Bees think so too.
As the temperature cools from the heat of the day, and as the evening draws on, here and there I’ll find these winged creatures, foragers for pollen not long before, now, however, having found a resting place.
Tomorrow the sun will rise and they’ll be back to work, the Bumble Bees busy with what needs to be done.
But now they wait, renewing their strength, resting from their labors.
A lesson for life while watering the flowers.
I’m sorry for your loss. I do hope you have made a bee bath/water stop. Super easy clay pot saucer, clean rocks & an inch or two of water. Fill daily or in this heat 2x day
All of nature declares the glory of God! What better place to find comfort?