Help is appreciated for the students attending Clover Park District schools, and their families, and those additionally that were impacted by the fire this past August 4 in the Woodbrook neighborhood.
It began as a brush fire that would destroy at least nine homes and take the lives of two men.
Caring for Kids! was the recommended agency to receive funds given its half-century of assistance to kids, providing school supplies, clothes, hygiene products, toys, and much more.
Checks may be sent to Caring for Kids! to the attention of Diane Formoso, 237 Eldorado Ave., Fircrest, WA 98466.
KIRO 7 reported on the meeting of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) just four days after the fire as community residents heard updates on the fire from Jim Sharp, Fire Chief, West Pierce Fire and Rescue; Dan Wirth, Executive Director, serving South Puget Sound and Olympics, American Red Cross – Northwest Region; John Caulfield, Lakewood City Manager; and Jeff Miller, Principal, Tillicum Elementary.
In an update from the Tacoma News Tribune, August 10, “Twenty-three people, including nine children, were displaced by the fire.”
John Caulfield, Lakewood City Manager, said “Right now, our focus is to get them some financial assistance, to get them back on their feet as soon as possible.”
It was the consensus of those in attendance at that TWNA meeting that people able to provide monetary help send their donations to Caring for Kids!, care of Diane Formoso, 237 Eldorado Ave., Fircrest, WA 98466.
Thank you!
THANK YOU Jim Sharp, Dan Wirth, John Caulfield, Jeff Miller, David Anderson, Diane Formoso, First Responders, City, Community, Neighbors, coming together to help. To make a difference. It takes a village.
What about us who list someone in fire and our house was damaged but is still livable, was told that when they come back around they would see what they could do but most likely they would not be able to do anything for me. So start getting your facts straight, I’m looking at 40000.00 to replace siding not counting roof,vand the fact that one of the person who died was my girlfriends, (who passed away a year ago) son .so he’s gone and so is half my rent and storage money, on top of the fact I’m going to have to come up with 1200.00 for funeral services. .and I’m waiting on them. To come back around. My house was a 1967 so it was uninsurable, could get renters insurance but the contents of my house wernt damaged, so there would be no payout anyway .so as usual I fall thru cracks and oh well., Don’t get me wrong the people that lost everything need and deserve help. And with all this every day I still have to breath all that formaldehyde and asbestos dust in every day and night and I won’t get no help for that. And I totally and I totally expect my comment to be wiped off so nobody sees it have a nice day