PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – At the Pierce County Library System’s Board of Trustees’ Wednesday, Aug. 9, 3:30 p.m., regular monthlymeeting,the Boardwill learn how the First Amendment is applied in virtual spaces, review proposed updates to the Board’s bylaws and other policies, and address additional topics.
The meeting will be held in person at the Pierce County Library Administrative Center at 3005 112th St. E., Tacoma. Optional virtual attendance is available via mypcls.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/.
Attorney Jessica Goldman, a partner with Summit Law Group, will give an overview to the Board of Trustees of how the First Amendment applies to virtual spaces, in particular in public libraries. Best Lawyers, a peer group of attorneys in Washington state, has recognized Goldman as the Best First Amendment litigator in Washington for several years and included her as a Super Lawyer for 12 years.
Also, at the meeting, the trustees will review proposed updates to their bylaws, which outline the overall governance of the board, such as the number of years trustees may serve on the board and how they elect officers. The Board of Trustees will also review proposed changes to the Library Rules of Conduct policy, which describes acceptable behavior in Pierce County Libraries and services, so all people may equitably enjoy and benefit from library services.
For more information: https://mypcls.org/about-us/board-of-trustees/.
Why not address the entire “US Constitution” and “Bill of Rights”.
There’s little use in reading one chapter of an entire book.
Besides, a limited view can change the intended meaning.