“Be mindful always of His promise.”
Do you know how hard that is?
It’s hard.
It’s hard to remember the promise we’ll meet again when the seat next to me in the car is empty now.
It’ll be hard to remember when our 51st Anniversary comes round just days from now, that the road trip we always took will be traveled alone.
It’s hard.
But this promise? It’s one He made to a thousand generations.

So, when I sit there on the rocky shoreline and watch the endless waves roll in, yes, it will be hard.
Then, I won’t be able to see that far over the ocean, for the same reason it is hard for me to see the misting keyboard now.
And yet with every wave, countless waves, wave-upon-wave-upon wave, I will be reminded that He’s kept His promise for generation after generation after generation.
Including mine.
She was richly blessed to have been loved by you.