Submitted by Alan Billingsley.

Last Saturday, community groups from around Lakewood came together to clean up and improve Lakewood’s South Sound Wild Life area. Organized by Clover Park Rotary and joined by Lakewood Rotary, work crews from Pierce College and Clover Park Schools came together to make this unique area a better place to be and learn.
Work included replacement of a decrepit retaining wall in the public parking area, picking up garbage along Phillips road, removal of scotch broom to restore the prairie area and working on the indigenous plant interpretation are.

Located on Phillips Road, this area is open to the public and a great place to get outdoors. All the work in our Wildlife area has been performed by local volunteers who care about keeping this unique area open and usable for both people and the wildlife that live here. Come take a walk through some of the last existing prairie lands in Lakewood.
Care about Wildlife and environmental education? Come join in the project. Our next Big work party will be in September, but we have small jobs going on monthly.
For more information contact: Alan Billingsley (email), Clover Park Rotary service project coordinator.
Hello to all washationnians. My My name is Kelly and I’m originally from southeast Texas. I’ve been working and living in this beautiful state since 2011. Not sure how long it takes for me to become a member of the washingtonanis, but I do feel at home with the people who have befriended here. Thanks
Alan, you were the star, sparkplug, and fearless leader of this project. Well done.
Alan Billingsley proves again, he knows how to party – BIG WORK, planned endeavor, progress, results, satisfaction, weaving strong the fabric of can-do community from applied imagination. THANK YOU Alan, Rotarians, and neighbors all, for showing up and doing for Lakewood. YOU make the difference.