A quarter of a billion dollars ($230,000,000+) is the proposed 2023/2024 budget of the Clover Park School District.
In the first two Community Budget Workshops offered by the District, for the purpose of soliciting input from the community on the budget, a total of one community resident attended in person.
Now a third workshop will be offered on May 24, 6 p.m. at the Student Services Center, 10903 Gravelly Lake Dr. SW.
Do you have questions about how your money is spent for education?
Do you believe the budget should be specific enough to address your priorities for the needs of students in your Tillicum Elementary School, and individual schools throughout the district?
How much of this budget is going to support programs that improve academic performance? How specifically will that money be spent?
You deserve answers to these and other questions related to the welfare of students attending Tillicum Elementary School and schools throughout the District.
It’s your money.
These are your kids and your community.
This is our future.
See you May 24.
This invitation was approved by the board of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association of which David Anderson is President, and what is stated here should not be construed as reflective of the thoughts of the Directors of the Clover Park School Board, but rather those of Director David Anderson only, as school board elected representative of District Four, of which the community of Tillicum is a significant part.
Sadly, I for one feel it is almost pointless to offer input as it never seems to be considered. I know we should still try, but a lot of people give up trying to talk to a body that just pretends to listen and then does what they want.
Will the public be able to ask questions or make suggestions? Will they receive responses in return, or is the format like comment-time during the first School Board meeting of each month when three minutes are allowed for a comment, but responses do not occur? Or is it like the second School Board meeting of each month when visitors are allowed to watch presentations, like the budget procedure; but they can only watch, not participate?
We only have so many life-minutes.
In freedom, is the God-given way to live them.
If we allow it, government and quasi-government entities will consume all of them, along with any and all treasure that we have managed to accumulate along the way.
Self reliance and freedom has been replaced with endless government programs, beyond anyone’s capacity for meaningful involvement. Unsustainable.
The massively-funded public school system is failing to produce young people who can continue to meet this funding obligation in a net-positive manner -focusing on this and that distraction instead – creating more and more programs in the process.
Pick any government agency today, the public school system included, and see how they have and continue to morph into things they were never intended to be – bloated and weaponized by those who choose to spend their life-minutes manipulating them.
God bless the citizens who volunteer to do good, to help kids gain independence, but without a net-positive return on investment the effort is futile.
That’s why people surrender and give up.
With an emphasis on social(ist) programs, those involved will only make matters worse.
If you don’t consider that someone is paying for all this with their life-minutes, you are only fooling yourself.
Streamline the mission.
Keep it simple and focused.
We only have so many life-minutes.
Very well said!
Systems can only achieve what they are designed to achieve and this District’s “community engagement” on the budget is a failure. Almost makes you wonder that the Board and District don’t want public participation in the budget but rather want to appear going through the motions. The public can make things very messy for District budget staff asking all kinds of questions, wanting priority for their school, demanding answers to embarrassing questions like “Why is X school failing and what are you going to do about it?” More to come over the next 13 days even if the District remains silent.
Facebook: Lakewood CARES