City of Lakewood announcement.
City Project Number 401.0018
The City of Lakewood is requesting proposals for professional services from qualified contractors for the purpose of an alum treatment for algae control in Waughop Lake. The City’s needs are outlined below.
Project Schedule
The City’s timeline for selecting a contractor and treating the lake is as follows:
- RFP due date May 16, 2023
- Award of Contract June 5, 2023
- Alum Application Windows June 12-16, 19-23, or 26-30, 2023
Submittal Criteria
Proposals can be delivered or mailed to: City of Lakewood Attn: Weston Ott 6000 Main St SW Lakewood, WA 98499
Or emailed to: Weston Ott at
All hard copy proposals shall be in a sealed envelope and plainly marked on the outside “2023 Waughop Lake Alum Treatment Project #401.0018”. All emailed proposals shall have “2023 Waughop Lake Alum Treatment Project #401.0018” in the subject line. Proposals shall be limited to 15 pages – 8.5”X11”, 11 pt. font pages not including the cover. The deadline to submit proposals is May 16, 2023, at 2:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time). Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
The complete RFP, including Technical Specifications, are available by clicking here.
A hard copy of the RFP is available for review in the Public Works Engineering Department located on the 2nd floor of Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main St SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. Please direct any questions to Weston Ott at (253) 983-7725 or at the email address above.
Persons with disabilities may request this information be prepared and supplied in alternate forms by calling (253) 589-2489.
If this goes as planned by City of Lakewood responsibles, it will fully establish the death knell of Waughop Lake. If done as planned, the City might as well pour concrete into the lake and paint it pale blue.
Why spend close to $215K of taxpayer funds, ESPECIALLY SINCE recent testing of the lake’s water shows there is no measurable soluble, reactive phosphorus concentration that will cause harmful,deadly cyanobacteria blooms, nor is there any measurable harmful cyanobacteria population evident in Waughop Lake’s water. The chemical dumping being RFP’d is to CONTROL SOLUBLE, REACTIVE PHOSPHOROUS of which, based on recent testing, DOES NOT EXIST !!
WHY ?….call/email/write your council member to find out.
Did you know the City has already spent $430 K of taxpayer funds and the only thing they have accomplished is to make the lake practically uninhabitable for frogs, turtles, and waterfowl, especially the ones that show up in the Fall & Winter….
– American wigeon
– Green-winged teal
– Northern pintail
– Gadwall
– Northern shoveler
– Eurasian wigeon
– Cinnamon teal
– Blue-winged teal
– Lesser scaup
– Greater scaup
– Ring-necked duck
– Canvasback
– Redhead
– Common goldeneye
– Barrow’s goldeneye
– Bufflehead
– Common merganser
as well as all of the other animals that depended on the lake for sustenance.
So……City of Lakewood, go ahead and do what you want; not what you should; and ignore all of we people who really care about that lake and know what you are trying to do is just plain WRONG !
Killing the dead horse – Waughop Lake – is extremely irresponsible. Where are the adults in the room?
Lakewood residents need to contact their elected officials to demand better use of their tax dollars. ($215,000)