Submitted by Tim Marsh, Lakes High School Class of 1966.

Does the beloved ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign on Gravelly Lake Drive in Lakewood deserve to be preserved?
If Potlatch, Latah County, Idaho, can save a sign, so could Lakewood, Pierce County, Washington.
The Lewiston (Idaho) Tribune says the Potlatch Historical Society is repairing a 1950s neon Carter’s Log Inn Restaurant. Many longtime residents have fond memories of the inn.
In Lakewood, there are those who remember “Lakewood Shops Located on Picturesque Gravelly Lake Drive.” (TNT/Tacoma News Tribune headline) when they opened in 1951. While there are still great businesses there (the shops) today, the ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign needs to be refurbished before it deteriorates more.
- The black & white (top) photo shows the ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign on Halloween 1956. (Credit: Richard’s Studio, Northwest Room at The Tacoma Public Library,)
- A color (bottom) photo taken April 6, 2023, shows the ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign today. (Credit: TM)
Want to help refurbish the ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign? It’s up to those who live or lived in Lakewood and/or those interested in preserving history to make it happen!
I’ll help by making a donation to refurb the sign!
I have a few questions before I consider a donation. Does the city of Lakewood own the shops property? Has anyone with restoration experience take a look at it and decide how much it will cost to repair it. The Lakewood lighting alone would be a fortune because it’s neon. Has anyone considered taking it to Clover Park Vo tec and allow students to restore it that way? Consider it a learning experience for multiple classes.
Why not try to have Clover Park tech do it as a training and skills project…?
I will help.
If the historical society would take this on, donations could be made through them and thus would be tax deductible
Makes more sense than shutting down the library….
Set up a “Goal” link and I am
sure you will be ready for refurb soon.
I vote for the Clover Park Tech College approach for starters. Check with these Manufacturing Engineering instructors:
Nathan Baker
Bldg 24, Rm 120
Keith Schultz
Bldg 24, Rm 120
I’d be willing to chip in.