Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement.
More Pierce County residents suffered from mental health problems and opioid misuse in 2020 and 2021. Our new mental health data report and overdose dashboard paint a clear picture.
We see evidence of depression, anxiety, violence, mental-health challenges among youth and concerns from teachers. Deaths and non-fatal poisonings from drugs were also on the rise.
Learn more about what the data shows and how we can work together to improve health and wellness in this Your Reliable Source blog post.
The COVID virus didn’t do this. Draconian, poorly thought out government and bureaucratic measures are responsible for this. Instead of “ruling by exception” and protecting the most vulnerable, they “let the exception rule” by covering everyone in this dragnet with predictable results. The same approach is underway with so called “assault arms” even though they represent a tiny percentage of gun violence by criminals. Rather than go after the criminals, all legitimate gun owners are now trapped under that prohibitive dragnet while criminals are under no obligation to follow the same laws.
Arbeeny thinks he’s an expert in all things. Yet every time he pens a comment, he looks more and more ignorant of all things. Could you give it a rest, Arbeeny? You are not relevant.
Concerned Citizen,
(1) Apparently you are not aware that not everyone thinks like you. In America, we enjoy a constitution that allows for freedom of thought and freedom of speech, even your thoughts and speech Mr or Ms Concerned Citzen.
(2) You present an excellent example of not being relevant as your thoughts and speech are not relevant based on the fact that you are only able to make your thoughts known by your gutless action of hiding behind the name, “Concerned Citizen” instead of your real name. If you are not comfortable or lack the common decency to provide us with your name before writing comments, then I suggest you take your own advice and give it a rest. Anonymous comments are generally worthless.
(3) While you are completely free to disagree with Mr Arbeeny or me, you have to admit at least Mr Arbeeny and I have the courage to provide the reading public with our real names when sharing an opinion.
(4) Your effort to censor and shut down Mr Arbeeny reminds me of Communist behavior which has no place in America.
(5) Mr Arbeeny, you and I do not always agree on everything. Nonetheless, I encourage you to ignore the mystery commenter’s suggestion. If you have an opinion, right or wrong, you wish to share, then please do so.
(6) Anonymous, in the future you can get the rest you need by simply not reading any of Mr Arbeeny’s comments. That will be a win-win thereby leaving Mr Arbeeny to enjoy his Constitutional First Amendment – Freedom of Speech rights.
Joseph Boyle
Thank you!
Again, attacking the messenger while avoiding clear facts.
Ironically those “experts” who draw conclusions, seem to do so by avoiding the very facts that discredit those conclusions.
We have way too many indoctrinated experts today, and not enough citizens standing up to them with common sense.
Mr Boyle makes excellent points.
I have not met Mr Arbeeny, but I did speak with him over the phone a while back.
I would say that he is a lucid, intelligent, and caring man, who is deeply concerned for the overall well-being of his community.
No hidden agenda beyond that what so ever.
Very well put.