Pierce County Sheriff’s Department announcement.
Our school resource officers work hard each day to provide safe learning environments for children. Check out this first-hand look into what happens during a lockdown drill and why our partnerships with local school districts are so important. Pierce County Sheriff’s Department SRO’s continue to lead the way in school safety. We thank the Puyallup, Bethel, and Franklin Pierce School Districts for their partnership and making safety their top priority. Children can’t learn if they don’t feel safe.
Why are lock down drills even required? The kids of today are going to hold those who deny gun oversight and climate change accountable. The youth are far more aware and intelligent than most will give them credit for. It is their world and we have all screwed it up. It is all our fault. We do not demand action. When we pass the tipping point what do you do with your guns and money?
Either by pushing an agenda or not demanding oversight because of campaign contributions politicians have also sold us out. Does anyone really think that they care about you or your guns? They want your money and your vote, nothing more, nothing less. Guns are a tool they use to distract you from what is really happening. However we are all at fault in the end. When will the adults start acting like they are adults? Many people demand respect. I don’t respect anyone without question. Respect is earned, not given. Your actions are what will be judged.
Lock down drills are as worthless as were the duck and cover drills from years ago. Wgat is next? Machine gun towers on each corner? How about a moat? With alligators? Why is it so hard to understand that guns are the problem?
Having drills IS important. I’ve taught in schools where these drills were beneficial. I’ve been on ships that held safety drills.
Remember the Nisqually earthquake? Think about the children slaughtered at school and the quick thinking staff who saved more students by locking doors and shuttering windows. All our students knew what to do when we had a shelter in place incident.
We want these students to reach their majority so they can do something about the scourge that has infected this country. In the mean time we need to do more. Train, vote, and speak out as loud as you can to make this country safe again.
Mr. Grimsey, you state that guns are the problem. So all we have to do is cut the legs off the guns so they can’t walk in anywhere and start shooting. Right?