Submitted by Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest.

Clean UP is the theme of the April 22, 2023 Earth Day event sponsored by the Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest. The Club, in collaboration with the University Place School District and the City of University Place, hopes to attract up to 500 participants to walk multiple areas of the city.
The walk is styled after the German Volksmarch (“Volksmarch” is a German term meaning “people’s march”, a noncompetitive fitness walk.) Clean UP is combining the community walk with roadside cleanup.
Walkers will receive t-shirts and trash bags to walk designated routes. Route distances will be similar to 5K or 7K walks. It’s the hope that walkers will pick up loose trash along the sidewalks and streets and turn in the bags at the end of the walk.
Check in for the walk will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the event will end at noon. Food and beverages will be available at the end of the walk, along with tokens of completion.
For more information or to register, go to (appears as ). Early Bird Registration ($25 includes t-shirt) ends March 31, 2023. Reduced rates are available for groups of 5 or more.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the inclusive playground to be build in University Place benefitting children of all abilities. More information is available at .
While you are picking up trash, take down thoes obnoxious signs…We Buy Diabetic test Strips or We Haul Junk, We Buy Houses, and all the other crap signs that litter our intersections. Do not take down Houses For Sale, Yard sales and Lost Pets..but set a limit 2 weeks. I have been doing this for years in Lakewood and it is better for the effort.
Good for you