Office of Rep. Mari Leavitt, 28th Legislative District announcement.

Please join Representatives Mari Leavitt and Dan Bronoske for a Town Hall on Saturday, March 18, from 11-12:30 p.m. at Clover Park Technical College in the Rotunda, Building 3. Folks can submit their questions in advance if interested by going to the Representative Mari Leavitt facebook page and clicking on the event page for the link or ask on day of.
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing a legislative update.
Since the last one I attended with fellow good Americans, these legislators have voted away a good portion of our Constitutional freedom behind the guise of public safety.
With even more freedom on the chopping block, while criminals run amok, I wonder if it will again be a waste of time to speak with these “representatives”.
Well, myself and a group of Constitution-loving Americans attended the meeting today.
For 1 1/2 hours we sat and listened as many written questions were fielded by these representatives.
Our questions were concerning the anti-gun anti-Constitutional legislation that was just passed by these 2 to the senate.
Our questions were not fielded during the open course of the meeting, so we confronted these representatives immediately after.
We were told that the Legislature routinely passes legislation that they know is going to end up in the courts, on the grounds of being unconstitutional.
I expressed my displeasure at the thought of wasted time and treasure, not to mention putting good people in jeopardy for refusing to be compliant with unconstitutional law-making.
I also expressed my displeasure at the fact these laws are being imposed only on the law-abiding, while the criminal element continues to grow under such shenanigans.
It is clear to any right-thinking human, that this type of manipulation is not about public safety.
It is about turning Constitutional law into a mockery that can then be ignored at will.
Well said, Brian.