Sound Transit announcement.
Want to learn more about TDLE (Tacoma Done Link Extensions) project updates?
Join us for our informational drop-in session to ask questions, get updates and learn about next steps.
- Wednesday, March 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Poodle Dog Restaurant: 1522 54th Ave E, Fife, WA 98424
To learn more about the potential new route and station alternatives in Fife and South Federal Way, you may also visit now through March 17. The online open house is also available in Spanish, Korean, Khmer and Russian.
It’s called the “Tacoma Dome Link Extension” TDLE, because it is supposed to connect the Tacoma Dome Station to rail assets running north of there, to include the SeaTac Airport.
I’ve been to so many of these little public placation performances for years, after which no clear decisions or direction or plans were made.
TDLE is not a transit project so much as it is a bureaucracy to get certain folks through a “working” career and into a comfortable retirement, all on our dime.
The SVB, Silicon Valley Bank collapses due to mismanagement and poor planning, while Sound Transit just rolls on – but not really.