A Feb. 03 article shared how Lakewood businesses sponsored the Lakewood YMCA in the Expresso Bike “Rally for the Y.”
Since the initial article NW Contract Cleaners and ADS Lawn & Services also stepped up to show their support for our community. Additionally, there were several amazing families and many individual supporters, all of whom helped propelled the Lakewood YMCA to the top podium spot to raise $34,081.
This year, at the Lakewood Y, there were 90 riders who cycled a total of 5063 miles and the 3 top riders all cycled more than 500 miles each, through the month of February. The Rally for the Y is a worldwide event and this year 139 YMCA teams participated and raised $247,810. This is the 1st year that the Lakewood Y has been in the top spot or raised this much in donations.
As reported previously, all of the donations go directly to support free programs at the YMCA, like free membership for all children in foster care and the Livestrong program to support those recovering from cancer.
Thank you to our amazing local businesses, supportive families, giving individuals and dedicated riders. I hope we can all work together again next year to defend Lakewood’s World Title!!