Tacoma Business Council announcement.
Tacoma, WA – On March 2, 2023 from 5:45 – 8:00 pm at Courthouse Square located at 1102 A Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 the Tacoma Business Council is hosting the 2023 Summit on Crime. The Summit will feature a documentary video of business leaders describing the serious issues they face arising from crime. The Summit will also include City and County leaders speaking about solutions to crime that are underway as well as areas where more work is needed. Pierce County Prosecutor, Mary Robnett, Tacoma’s City Manager, Elizabeth Pauli, Tacoma’s Chief of Police, Avery Moore, Assistant Chief of Police, Tammy Floyd and Assistant Chief of Police Crystal Young-Haskin are all committed to speak.
The purpose of the Summit is to provide leadership and businesses with a collaborative forum at which to identify issues the community faces and address solutions. The Tacoma Business Council will speak about the work it is doing to help find solutions and to ask businesses and leaders to work together to make a difference in the fight against crime.
Mark Bardwil, a Tacoma attorney and Board Member of TBC said, “We look forward to bringing the business community and City and County leaders together in this event to better understand the issues facing this city and to discuss potential solutions that we hope will make a difference for our entire community going forward.”
About the Tacoma Business Council.
The mission of the Tacoma Business Council is to provide a voice for the business community throughout Tacoma and to create an economically viable environment to support businesses. We do that work by collaborating with government officials, policymakers, and other stakeholders to promote solutions to public safety, public health and other problems that have a negative impact on the economic stability of businesses in Tacoma.
“The purpose of the Summit is to provide leadership and businesses with a collaborative forum at which to identify issues the community faces and address solutions.”
We’re still identifying the problem. Still. Identifying. The. Problem.
They’re the problem., the city government. Every single person named above is the problem. Zero of them are the solution. You can tell this by their actions. They’ve all been in office a minimum of year and nothing has changed. If anything, it’s gotten worse.
Maybe we misunderstand their job? This is their job? We hire them to placate us maybe? To pretend like they can enact change or make things “better.” If at the end of the day, we’re the ones that need to do all the heavy lifting to “fix our communities,” why did we hire them in the first place? Sounds like we’re paying for an extra step that is unneeded.
You are correct in what you are saying all for one thing.
Pierce County Prosecutor, Mary Robnett is on the right side. She wants the laws to come back to what they were before progressives took over.. She wants more police, she is against the drug users and abusers, it doesn’t matter if they are black or white, if they are breaking the law, it is jail time. Listen to her speak. She is a breath of fresh air and she does want to fight crime the right way with a police force that CAN go after criminals that steal cars, break into your homes and steal from stores. NOT a slap on the wrist and let go which is happening now.
She has my vote for anything she does!!!
Can someone speak to Kakistocracy, one part rule in Tacoma. I was born here and witnessed these woke politicians attaining office year after year while we continually slide backwards, no standards, no law , no police just incredible!
It only gets worse when people, instead of looking objectively at the problem, try to make the problem fit any particular political position.
It gets even worse when money starts getting pooled for programs to address the problem.
It gets even worse when people who are the problem are hired to consult, or are put in charge of these programs.
The reason a Business Council is the only group who can fix this problem, is because unlike government bureaucracy, business lives or dies on objective decision-making.
As progressive government continues to create its own alternate realities, society continues to break down; divisions widen; and the “cost” continues to skyrocket.
As I watch the DC comic series “Gotham” with my daughter, for entertainment and bonding-time, I am shocked at how close to our reality this “over-the-top” crime drama has become.