City of Lakewood social media post.
Want to know if you need a permit to cut down a tree? Use this flow chart to determine when a permit is or isn’t required. For more information on the new tree code regulations, visit
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City of Lakewood social media post.
Want to know if you need a permit to cut down a tree? Use this flow chart to determine when a permit is or isn’t required. For more information on the new tree code regulations, visit
Want to know if you need a permit to cut down a tree? Use this flow chart to determine when a permit is or isn't required. For more information on the new tree code regulations, visit
— Lakewood (WA) (@CityofLakewood) February 22, 2023
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LMAO. Next, you’ll be saying that people living in RVs and tents need to purchase a permit to sleep on the street.