Washington State Senate Democrats announcement.
The Senate passed a measure, sponsored by state Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest) which establishes new requirements that identify students who may be eligible for highly capable programs. Senate Bill 5072 requires school districts to conduct universal screenings once in or before second grade, and again in or before sixth grade.
“Highly capable programs provide accelerated learning and enhanced instruction for advanced students to keep them engaged and growing,” said Nobles. “But our Black, Latinx, Native, low-income, English learners, and students with disabilities are at risk of being left out. We need to break down the systemic barriers to education with appropriate pacing, depth, and complexity for children of high intelligence – who are present in every demographic group and in every zip code.”
Universal screening for all students ensures equitable access to the highly capable program and increases the likelihood that students from marginalized backgrounds get the supports they deserve. Districts that have implemented universal screenings have already seen major improvements for students of color and low-income students. Universal Screening has been tested in multiple districts across the state and of varying sizes: larger districts like Northshore, Kent, and Pasco; medium districts like Quincy and Sumner-Bonney Lake; and small districts like Rochester.
Highly capable programs have been a part of basic education in Washington since 2011. Past efforts have encouraged school districts to use multiple types of criteria for assessment to ensure low-income and diverse student populations are identified. This is the next step in making sure all students are screened. It is worth noting, universal screening does not need to include a new test. Districts can use existing data they already collect about students. The bill also requires OSPI to publish highly capable enrollment data per district broken down by demographic groups so that progress and accountability can be measured.
“We want to see the progress this legislation is making in action,” said Nobles. “When highly capable students don’t receive appropriate curriculum, they can misbehave, be mislabeled as needing special education, develop a poor work ethic, or disengage from school. Students deserve to learn in a supportive environment where all children can learn, grow, and thrive.”
The legislature considered a similar proposal last session in the form of HB 1611, which passed unanimously out of the House and the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. It did not pass the Senate Rules committee.
This bill will now move to the House for consideration.
Instead of paying attention to their constituents, senate and house democrats continue to tie the hands of our police officers.
Pretty sure that the majority of the population is growing agitated by the day that the policies sponsored and voted by Bronoske, Leavitt, and Nobles have led criminals to face no consequences.
Instead, the bigoted Nobles sponsors a bill to provide better access to “Black, Latinx, Native students.” I guess white and Asian students have all the access that they need.
This country once had a system in place which openly oppressed races. History doesn’t look kind to those.
If people want to continue to be plagued by crime, higher prices at stores due to theft, and indifference from their elected representatives who are directly responsible for this mess, there is no sympathy required.
Ask Twina where her kids go to school. It’s not deep, east Tacoma. She’s trying to destroy the district where she sends her kids to school, from her rental house. She’s trying to do this after her kids are done there. Typical communist.
I don’t think you actually read what this bill does. It is to capture those students who are highly capable but have been unseen and excluded from these programs. Included are ” . . . low income students and students with disabilities” who might be students of color or white students. The point is these highly capable students deserve the same opportunity more affluent children do. This is not about race or black versus white. It’s about students who are disadvantaged for whatever reason. I applaud Senator Nobles for introducing this bill and hope it will pass this session.
Just imagine how we taxpayers must feel Senator.
As we pay for everything, you look upon us as nothing but a stash to pilfer – talk about exploitation.
Government has become “the devouring mother”, which consumes all that doesn’t go her way.
“The devouring mother” would have you believe she is doing good.
Weak men cower in her wake – some unsure if they are even men.
She will accept madness over reason, and gaslight you into believing otherwise.
“The devouring mother” insists that you need her to make a good decision – any decision.
“The devouring mother” isn’t interested in gifted children.
She is interested in compliant children who will become good little communists, under her control, which she commits every moment of her life to.
Think about that – every moment of her life to controling the destiny of others who were supposedly born free.
When someone flips out, she seizes on the opportunity for more control, in the name of safety.
We wake up and go to bed, worried about holding it all together while “the devouring mother” dreams up another scheme, requiring our commitment and contribution.
If you don’t feel that kind of pressure, then it is you who are privileged.
I would sincerely like to hear how that feels.
Universal screening, by definition, does not exclude anyone. There is no need to worry that white or Asian students will be overlooked for the highly capable program. It’s a shame that so many people are afraid that by allowing everyone the opportunity to succeed, they will somehow not get their own chance.