Downtown On the Go announcement.

Tacoma, Wash. – As Tacoma grows and changes, what would you like to see in the City of Destiny? Housing and transportation are deeply interconnected and our policies on both influence who can access opportunities and services. Join us for a panel exploring how Tacomans’ needs and wants both match up and differ as we dive into what a future Tacoma could look like. This free Friday Forum panel event from Downtown On the Go will be held on January 27th from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in person at Metro Parks Tacoma HQ (4702 S 19th St. Tacoma, WA 98405) and virtually over Zoom. It will feature panelists Jason Gauthier (South Sound Housing Affordability Partners), Brendan Nelson (Empowering People in Communities), and Tyler Garretson (Mayor’s Youth Commission of Tacoma). Moderated by Tanisha Jumper (Tacoma Public Schools).
Register in advance for either in person or virtual at Q&A will be available for both in person and virtual attendees at the end of the forum. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about attending the forum. A recording of the panel will be available on DOTG’s Facebook and YouTube accounts.
Downtown On the Go’s annual Friday Forum series is a space to discuss transportation issues and opportunities in Tacoma, to recognize real challenges facing downtown commuters and residents, and to learn about new ideas in the transportation world. The 2023 forums invite Tacomans to imagine what the future of Tacoma could be, as we dive into the rising community concerns of housing, traffic violence, and climate resilience.
Thank you to our partners Metro Parks Tacoma and Pierce Transit for supporting the 2023 Friday Forum series by making a hybrid format possible.
Let’s try supporting police, stop entitling the homeless, make Tacoma a safe place to live! Now it is one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Subjective law enforcement and the profit for many regarding the homeless has turned our City into a horrible place to live.
Quality of life in taComa has been surrounded by a moat called “diversity, equity, and inclusion”.
The few bridges across that moat are “bureaucracy”, “nepotism”, “corruption”, “boot-licking”, and such – or complete failure.
The rest of us have to swim in it, and it’s getting mighty funcky.
It never used to be that way, at least not to the degree of today.
taComa has always had a component of corruption, as do most cities, but I’ve never seen it so blatantly disregard Constitutional Rights as it does today, while making up and administering an opposite set of rules. This is counter-productive and destined for failure.
There’s little wonder why crime continues to get worse, when justice and “access” are arbitrary, based on ethnicity, gender, sexual-orientation, and such.
To say that I feel discriminated against as a straight, Christian, white, male, business/property-owner, is an understatement.
I can’t address any issue in the city without running into an angry activist who is hell-bent on stifling my concerns.
My concerns are the same as many, who work, earn, and surrender taxes to the bureaucrat machine.
So exactly why do we owe a house to anyone who is/has not done the same?
I’m all for funding institutions for those who absolutely cannot take care of themselves, or a helping-hand for working people/families who are actually trying, but a place to crash, get high, and stash stolen property, or become an activist on the computer we bought you? No.