Pierce County Sheriff’s Department announcement.
Watch as deputies get assistance from a Tacoma Police K9 and WSP Aviation to track down and arrest an assault suspect.
This video shows you the great teamwork, skills and professionalism displayed by our deputies and the other police officers who assisted us.
Thank you again Washington State Patrol Aviation, Tacoma Police Department, Fife Police, Ruston Police, Puyallup Police Department, Edgewood PD and everyone else who was involved.
Good for the sheriffs these criminals are out of control at this point in the state. Washington state is an embarrassment since the new laws have come in to play.
Great colaborative teamwork between Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, Tacoma Police Department, and Washington State Patrol.
Now, what makes the Left think we should defund the police and have the social workers do this job? Will social workers want to crash through the woods and cross bodies of water to capture a lawless troublemaker?
I speak from experience and conviction. I injured my right eye doing the same thing as I attempted to apprehend a domestic violence male who killed his girlfriend’s 12 year old daughter.
We need to fund and support our police with money, intelligent criminal laws, crime fighting prosecutors, and public citizen support.
Did everyone see the cops putting their lives at risk so our lives can be safer as they attempted to stop and apprehend this criminal in a stolen car?
The cops could have been killed with the suspect’s vehicular assault attempt which could have ended up becoming a vehicular homicide. Then there was the suspect’s knife combined with his failure to comply with simple, easy to understand, lawful police orders.
As is typical, the suspect refused to comply with the officer’s lawful orders. For those who love to make the false claim that all officers hassle people because of their race, it is clear to any thinking person that behavior and failure to comply, not race, was the driving force in this incident.
All a suspect has to do is comply. If the cops do something wrong, the suspect can always complain later to the officer’s supervisor or his attorney rather than failing to comply at the incident.
Comply or die are three informative words to guide one’s behavior.
Parents, especially minority parents, should teach their young to be respectful and compliant with lawful orders. I say “especially minority parents” because it is obvious if you work the streets as a cop that most white kids, not all, learn the importance of respect (respect teachers, coaches, adults, and police) and they learn about the benefit of compliance.
I experienced a notorius black couple teaching their kids to hate the police and to ignore police orders. Those are the kind of kids who can grow up and as young adults end up being shot for their dangerous non-compliant behavior that they learned from their parents and from inside their culture. That in a culture is a real shame.
I strongly urge citizens, when a police officer is forced to use lethal force, to look at the suspect’s behavior and for a failuire on the part of the suspect to comply with lawful police orders. It is easy to say the police are racist, but more often than not, it is the suspect’s behavior that drives the action and reaction.
Joseph Boyle – Retired Police Officer 25 years
Instead of spike sticks, when a person is using deadly force as in a vehicle OR with handheld weapons, use the Boom stick. WA laws are designed to endanger police and the public. The weirdest thing is, that if the perp had simply drove away in a reckless manner the police cannot give chase. CANNOT…
WOW. Good work. God bless you all.