“TPU reported more than 650 customers were without power as of 6:30 a.m. Monday. Power is expected to be restored by 7 a.m., according to the TPU website. TPU said 7,300 customers were without power early Christmas morning.”
From the TPU website as of Dec. 26 at 3:20 pm, 13 customers are still without power.
From TPU’s Twitter as of Dec. 26 at 3:39 pm: All our customers are back online after the intentional damage to our system yesterday. We appreciate everyone’s patience while our crews worked overnight and into this afternoon on restoration. We were able to deploy a mobile substation to restore power.
Read the full story at KOMONEWS.com.
When the authorities prosecute in the court of law. I will be there to gather as much information on the defendants. I will persue a civil suit. We had to throw out $500.00 worth of food. Including a Christmas prime rib roast.
The intentional destruction of electrical power equipment has the potential to kill citizens because of cold, dead medical equipment, and lack of light which can promote trip and fall accidents with head injuries. This crimianl act should be taken seriously.
Let there be consequences for those involved in this hometown terrorist act. Find out who they are. Lock them up. Drop the key off the Narrows Bridge. Then they will not hurt anyone in the future.
Oh, if you do not think I am going to far, shut off the electricity in their prison cell, just in the dead of winter..
Joseph Boyle – If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime -Tony Baretta
I think the idiots wanted access to homes with garage door openers so they could enter and steal at their leisure. I doubt they thought of any consequenses for this action, low I.Q. the main factor here.
This is what happens when children do not get punished, spanked, or taught the difference between right or wrong.
This is the result of being politically correct and not hurting their feelings in the school system, along with just passing them ahead to the next grade level when they probably should be at the level of 2nd graders.
The system has failed on many levels, these individuals were probably suspended or dropped, skipped out of school and have no respect for anyone.
Their goal was probably to gain access at some location to steal cigarettes. I bet they did not even think they were cutting off their own heat, loghts, microwave or t.v.
I agree. Ship them off to prison for 25 years. They put everyone in jeopardy and need prison.
Cut off their heat in jail cell, throw the key away. Oh please you have forgotten who we elected in this state! Who our Governor and AG is. They be served Alaska King Crab and tucked in bed under fluffy quilts. VOTE to end coddling of criminals!
It’s only going to get worse around here as the numbers and boldness of criminals continue to grow.
Our leadership empathizes more with a criminal culture than those who pay for and maintain our electrical grid.
Think about that for a moment.