City of Tacoma announcement.
This past summer, the Tacoma City Council passed Ordinance No. 28825, which lowers the default speed limit on residential streets from 25 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour. This ordinance also lowers the speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour on arterial streets in four Neighborhood Business Districts, including 6th Avenue, Lincoln, McKinley Hill, and Old Town. The speed limit is already 25 miles per hour in the South Tacoma and Proctor Neighborhood Business Districts.
The new speed limits will go into effect on January 1, 2023. Going on now through the end of the year, new speed limit signage is being installed, plus additional signage will be added in key locations that include gateways to the city and those four Neighborhood Business Districts.
In February 2020, City Council adopted Resolution No. 40559, committing to Vision Zero and the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2035. Speed reduction is one proven strategy to eliminate fatal and serious injury crashes as part of Vision Zero. Lowering speeds improves safety by reducing the frequency and severity of crashes, improves visibility, provides additional time for drivers to stop, and reduces the potential for fatal or serious injuries by lowering impact forces.
The City of Tacoma is launching a comprehensive outreach campaign today, Tuesday, December 13, to inform the community through multiple channels about the new speed limits. For more information about speed limit reduction and Vision Zero, visit, or contact Senior Transportation Planner Carrie Wilhelme at (253) 591-5560 or email
Lol. We’ll pay attention to speed limits when the busted up RVs and minivans and cars with expired tabs get taken care of. Speeding tickets are tolls and are only enforced on people who will pay them.
Tacoma & Fircrest: Please start enforcing speeders on Orchard Street between Center Street & South 56th/Cirque St. The speed limit is 35 mph & many people are speeding at 50 or 60 mph! It’s become a freeway!
The speed limit isn’t the problem, not enforcing the speed limit is the problem. If the current speed limits were enforced there would be no reason to change the limits. Do the officials really believe lowering the limits will slow drivers down? Increase the funding to hire more police to enforce current speed limits.
Just another way to increase their monthly
Revenue without saying so.
They can’t clean those residential streets, too much time, equipment, manhours involved.
Besides, where would they put it?
That is not important when considering they
Could just radar and write tickets.
Cheap, lazy excuse.
Let’s make those areas even more unappealing, create more germs and disease and eyesore instead.
Road Rage will become the new norm when some drivers TRY to maintain these NEW SPEED limits, every day I experience some new knucklehead that expects me to drive over the speed limit just because that’s how they drive. I live on N Vassault St in Northwest Tacoma, I asked the city to bring there speed recording machine over my way and leave it there as long as possible. Two weeks later I received a call, now this was 18yrs ago and nothing has changed but the cars are now faster, speed limit in my area is 30mph, average speed recorded was 45 to 60mph, top speed was over 12 car’s going over 100mph plus, this included motorcycles. I’v called 911 for help, same answer everytime, no units available. A man up the road came around about 5yrs ago asking if I would sign a petition so that he could take this to our city council for help, some 200 people on my street signed up, he then approached the council for help, active Police patrols, speed limit reduction, something, nothing has changed except that the car’s & motorcycles are faster, and its all year long!!!
Speed limits are useless without enforcement. Photo radar is the fairest; anyone who speeds gets a ticket. Without this, those trying to obey the law are constantly harassed by speeders.
This is so stupid. You want zero traffic fatalities? Why not just make cars illegal–that would do it. It’s as lame as thinking “world peace” is an achievable goal. This is an inconvenience to everyone who drives. Why not just make the driving test more difficult to keep those who don’t know how to drive off the roads? Why not enforce the speed limits already in place? Why not take away the cell phones from distracted drivers? It seems to me this is a way to punish those who own cars while raising government revenues under the guise of “safety.”
Speed limits are just fine, no enforcement is a huge problem.
Rubbish, have police go back to writing tickets and neighborhood policing. Now that would be public safety.