Pierce County Library System announcement.
Due to the snowstorm and road conditions last week, the Pierce County Library System rescheduled its study session to this Thursday, Dec. 8, 3:30-4:30 p.m. At the study session, the Board of Trusteeswill discuss the Lakewood Pierce County Libraries.
The session will be held in person at the Library’s Administrative Center 3005 112th St E, Tacoma WA 98446. Optional virtual attendance is available via https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/about-us/board-trustees/board-agenda-packets/Default.htm.
On Nov. 17, the Lakewood Library Building Community Advisory Committee presented its recommendations for the downtown Lakewood Pierce County Library and the Tillicum Pierce County Library, which is in a neighborhood in Lakewood. For five months, the 12-member volunteer committee reviewed and analyzed information about the libraries from Library System administrators, city building officials, engineers, architects and other professionals.
In creating the recommendations, committee members reviewed volumes of information about the conditions of the buildings and cost scenarios for repairing and replacing the buildings. In addition, they reviewed input from the public, provided via surveys, public events, interviews with community leaders, and comments in emails and at meetings.
For the Lakewood Library, the community advisory committee’s recommendation is to keep the library at the same location, building a new library on the current site. If that is not possible, the committee recommends building a new library in an equally accessible location.
For the Tillicum Library, the committee recommended renovating the existing building or rebuilding on the existing site if the property can be acquired. If not, it recommends pursuing a location near the existing library, and if that is not financially or practically feasible, then the committee recommended building on a parcel currently owned by the City.
At the study session, the Board of Trustees will start its process to determine next steps.
For more information: https://www.piercecountylibrary.org/about-us/board-trustees/board-agenda-packets/Default.htm
Why does the Pierce County Library Board deserve the trust of the community, with our tax resources, when they have proven to the community they are not good stewards? I was ashamed to pass by and see the condition of the Lakewood (Tenzler) Library with tarps on the roof to keep the rain out. If they failed to do the basic maintenance on the Historic Library in Lakewood then my belief is that they would fail to maintain any new facility.
I believe there is benefit in ownership; however, sometimes renting is best and while it would be money down the drain it would prevent a new building falling into disrepair while in the care of the Pierce County Library Board. The is so much retail space in Lakewood Towne Center maybe that is where our library should stay. At least with a landlord the building would be taken care of properly.
Goodbye to Our beloved Historic Lakewood Library Tenzler Building. In the hands of the Pierce County Library System, it did not stand a chance…
The Pierce County Library System made the calculated decision, many years ago, to chronically neglect Our Historic Lakewood Library Tenzler Building to the point of being able to then publicly write it off as a total loss only fit for demolition. Then, pivoting on the same heel, the simpering shysters came with their hand out propositioning city leaders for their idea of bigger and better.
The building is in serious need? How serious?? You don’t say! Awwww, what a shame! Ohwell! Too late now! Change is hard but progress is progress! No sentimental handwringing! Cut the cord! Please allow us to present our ultra trendy, middle-aged hipster-chic VISION of the “library of the future!” Behold: the Walmart Supercenter library of “our” dreams! Ta-Da! You’re welcome, peasants! More, more, more! Give us more! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Spend, spend, spend! Shopping is fun! Consumption is fun! Designing new stuff is fun! New, new, new! Money, money, money. SlurP!
This was all planned and executed in true heartless, out of control bureaucratic fashion. This is not opinion–this is verifiable fact…and it is puke-worthy.