Submitted by Jesse Black.

Springbrook Connections normally provides 400+ low-income Lakewood children holiday gifts every year.
This year we are having a difficult time with purchasing those gifts. We are asking for your help!
With the rising cost of rent and gas, parents are having to choose between paying their bills or providing gifts for their children. Please consider what it would feel like to wake up Christmas morning and there was nothing under the tree for you. Our goal is to make sure EVERY CHILD in Lakewood has a gift under the tree for the holidays.
We have gift donation bins located at Lakewood City Hall (6000 Main St SW, Lakewood, WA 9849) and the Grocery Outlet Store (11011 Pacific Highway SW, Lakewood, WA 98499)
We provide gifts for children ages 0-18.
If you don’t time to shop for a gift or drop one off you can ship or mail your donation to us
5204 Solberg Drive SW # B Lakewood, WA 98499
If you have questions, please contact us (253)302-3166
Toy Rescue Mission in Tacoma has a county wide mission to provide gifts for children of families who cannot do so themselves. They provide gifts for babies and toddlers thorough high school. How to get toys
Our programs are designed to take away the stress of a parent wondering how they are going to buy a birthday gift, Easter basket, a new backpack or Christmas gifts when they are dealing with finding ways to keep food on the table and provide safe shelter. Well known psychologists have publicly stated that playthings are essential to the development of a child’s creativity and have a direct bearing on hobbies and or future careers. Toys also help in building self-esteem so that children feel equal among their peers.
If you are on state services for your child and can meet our criteria for proof, let us remove the extra stress by putting toys into the hands of your child.
Bi-lingual volunteers are needed to act as personal shoppers. Especially needed are those that speak Spanish and Russian dialects. Call Martha at (253) 460-6711 for more information.