Submitted by Tim Strege.

The William Factory Small Business Incubator (est. 1986) has engaged global practitioners in building local entrepreneurial ecosystems – Winifred Soribe, PhD candidate and researcher in entrepreneurial finance & Christina Theodoraki, PhD Professor in Management Sciences, Entrepreneurship & Strategy – to assist the Tacoma/Pierce County community with an initiative for an inclusive and vibrant environment for emerging enterprises.
The initial phase of this three-year project includes interviews with representatives of business support organizations and local entrepreneurs to provide an assessment of services provided to early-stage enterprises – from the idea phase to startup to expansion of relatively new businesses. The second phase will identify gaps in resources for entrepreneurs and discuss among stakeholders methods of better coordination among service providers, including strengthening entrepreneurial relationships with area academic institutions. A progress report to the community is expected Spring/Summer, 2023 which will detail how people can be active in this initiative to transform Tacoma/Pierce County into a globally recognized startup hub.

In a joint statement by Soribe and Theodoraki, they announced: “We envision ourselves as facilitators to engage the Tacoma/Pierce County community throughout this project to provide insight into how to build a robust, globally recognized entrepreneurial and sustainable ecosystem noted for its collaboration, coordination, inclusion, and application of best practices. This emerging post-pandemic era will be anchored by local initiatives within an interconnected world, distinguished by the imagination of civic leadership to join in targeted policies and practices that highlight the value of placemaking, and valued for the participation of its people to make a better future for themselves and generations after.”
For more information on the Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Project:
You took “the word” right out of my mouth! What the hell are they talking about?!
The Incubator – during its 36 year existence as a private, nonprofit corporation – sees a future determined by more collaboration, both within communities and among emerging enterprises. Using the expertise of those who “know the world of commerce”, especially for startup entrepreneurs, is a plus if Tacoma/Pierce County is to advance in an increasingly connected economy. One step is to better utilize resources by eliminating duplication of services, filling in important gaps not otherwise available and increasing the sophistication of services available for startups.
Have either of these PhD types ever run anything that they never ran away from after cashing the consultation check?
Anyone can start a business, especially with government start-up assistance.
The challenge is to sustain the business when all the artificial bolstering goes away.
Let me guess: there will be special a$$istance given to anyone who is not a white heterosexual male?
The programs will be loaded with modern economic theory, and total disregard for established principles that have stood the test of time – all on the tax payer’s dime.
Most of these “businesses” will fail over time, because without a stand-alone profit potential, they cannot do otherwise.
The word-salad that is the announcement of this scheme says it all.
Ditto everything Brian said these intellectual PhD types are the dumbest people on the planet they think they know everything because they’ve been indoctrinated through our liberal activist universities but they couldn’t run themselves out of a round room if they had a map and then they walk away with all of the dollars that they were given to create something that fell flat on its face and they never have to pay anything back they just move on to the next Grant