Submitted by Lakewood Chamber of Commerce.

BRRRRR! If you’re reading this from the warmth of your home, you undoubtedly are counting your blessings as the chill factor heads below freezing.
Many in our community aren’t as fortunate. The Lakewood Chamber is reaching out to our Members and Friends, asking you to participate in our annual Warm Blessings Coat & Blanket Drive.

As you are going through your closets and find a gently used coat (or two, three, four…..), please drop them off at the Chamber of Commerce. Donations will be shared with PATH Outreach Services for the homeless through Greater Lakes Mental Health and the House of Mathew Permanent & Supportive Housing.
In this season of giving, we hope you will look in your closet right now, grab an item or two, and put it in the front seat of your car before you forget. The Chamber is open 9:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday and 10:00 – 3:00 Saturday and Sunday

Coat and blanket collections will be held through the end of November. Other items we will gladly accept for distrbution include new scarves, caps, gloves and socks. Tarps, sleeping bags and umbrellas also accepted. Thank you for your generosity!
The Chamber is open 9:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday and 10:00 – 3:00 Saturday and Sunday
….and the address is….?
The Chamber’s address is 6310 Mt Tacoma Dr SW – right next door to America’s Credit Union. Sorry for the omission!
Are you still doing the warm coat drive? Or do you know of any in Pierce County right now? I have at least 10 to 12 to donate. All in good condition. Mens size Large. Womens Medium and Large.