The Book of Judges in biblical history is a long period of time in which the nation of Israel would repeatedly need deliverance, albeit temporary.
The Book of Ruth in stark contrast to the scenes of so much strife that characterize the preceding pages, is one of great love and devotion.
The two books are concurrent. In the midst of so much grief there is a reprieve, an interlude, a glimpse not only of life the way it was meant to be, but one in which the little town of Bethlehem is mentioned for the first time with implications for all of eternity.
In a sense, that’s our story.
My wife has cancer.
But in the troubles and questions and tears, there are treasured, precious moments like these – and such moments fill our scrapbook of a half-century of marriage – where our granddaughter who cannot yet read that love story only wants to be near the one who has lived such a love story.
As a school board director, I had a Zoom meeting with District leaders and a fellow school board director this past Wednesday.
They are aware of our family health concerns. Previously in the administration hallways before board meetings, in Zoom meetings in the past, and again at this Zoom meeting, both before the meeting officially started, and after it officially ended and it was time to sign off, there were expressions of support, understanding, and concern.
“Take all the time you need. We, the board, are not that important. Time with your wife is.”
Do you know what three words appear on your computer screen when you sign off Zoom as a Post Attendee?
Sure, there’s this:
“Discover how you can elevate the way you work by combining webinar, chat meetings, and phone solutions into one seamless platform. Explore what is possible with Zoom.”
But that’s not what caught my eye.
These three introductory words did:
“More Than Meetings.”
It is more than meetings.
It’s about life.
I have cancer too. I have had since
You learn to accept it.
There’s no other choice.
You take deeper meaning from
Everything, everyday.
In the end, I think we will all have
Cancer, in one way or another,
And it’s only how you yourself choose
To deal with it.
Happy holidays and good luck to you both.
“You take deeper meaning from
Everything, everyday.”
Very true. Thank you.