Submitted by Jerry Dunlap.
The Kiwanis Club of Clover Park recently installed club officers for the 2021 – 2022 Kiwanis year. John Caldwell will serve as club president and Nick Formoso is the president elect. Ken McDonald is the treasurer, Jerry Dunlap secretary, and Thomas Thompson is the immediate past president. Gini Dryer Dow, past Lt. Governor for West Pierce County Kiwanis, installed the officers.
This past school year the Kiwanis Club of Clover Park donated 3 $3,000 scholarships to seniors from Harrison Prep Academy. Clover Park High School, and Lakes High School. At Fall Follies Dinner Auction held in October, $5000 was raised for the Lakewood Playhouse during a Fund the Need event. The Lakewood Community Garden was constructed and is maintained by Kiwanis members. Slightly over 500 pounds of fresh vegetables grown at the garden have be donated to the Lakewood Nourish Food Bank.
The Kiwanis Club of Clover Park meets Tuesdays at the Lakewood RAM Restaurant and membership is open to those interested in serving the Lakewood community.
Bob Warfield says
Congratulations all. Together, you are a pillar and inspiration for community. Lakewood enjoys enduring benefit from a willing civic spirit and solid tradition of service club commitment. You make great things happen. THANK YOU.
Carole Jacobs says
Congratulations and good luck to the officers of the Lakewood Kiwanis. Thank you for all you do to support and help our kids. All of your efforts are appreciated!!