City of Tacoma announcement.
The City Council will receive an update on the City of Tacoma’s Violent Crime Reduction Plan during Study Session this Tuesday, November 1 at noon in City Council Chambers (Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market Street, First Floor, on TV Tacoma and on ZOOM.
The presentation will:
- Review progress of the Violent Crime Reduction Plan.
- Discuss the progress of the crime plan in meeting outcomes.
- Provide information about continued work on addressing violent crime in Tacoma.
For more information about the City’s Violent Crime Reduction Plan, visit
Surina Crumble says
I’d like tovstary before all of this, with the young adults(Kids) . Thete has been more days outta school than in should.
No child left behind is a total Failure I know because I have a child 16 yrs old that reads at 2nd grade level. Yet he is a Jounior. I can’t get a driver’s license if I can’t pads the written but a kid can graduate with their class and NOT BE ABLE TO READ OR SPELL.
What happenbto ISS in school suspensions?
Why kickbthese kids out of schoolbwith NO where to go, helping them get further behind. Pushing them into the streets to become a bandits.
Why is YOGA a Real class with credits? Why is there No world hustory ?? If you don’t know history there isn’t a lesson it shall repeat itself?? Why is there NO BLACK HISTORY??
Chuck says
I pray that someday you will be happy with the color of your skin,by depicting color you just discriminated againest those that are not of color!