City of Lakewood announcement.
How do you use Lakewood’s sidewalks, bike lanes, or other routes that don’t allow cars?
The city of Lakewood is updating its non-motorized transportation plan to reflect the improvements made over the last 10 years and to provide direction on how to expand its walking and rolling network.
We want to hear from you. How do you use the system and what non-motorized improvements are most important? The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and input!
Lakewood city government seems to follow an all or nothing plan when it comes to sidewalks. Most streets have no safe provision for pedestrians. When sidewalks are installed, we get huge walkways on both sides of the street. Many of the new sidewalks are large enough accommodate vehicles. I would suggest we instead revert to a standard three foot sidewalk on one side of every street and both sides of busy streets. We could cover far more ground with the same budget. Initially, I would like to see the city concentrate sidewalk installations near schools. Children who live too close for bus service should have a safe place to walk.