Tacoma Police Department video.
We continue our “Talks with the Chief” series here with the Chief answering the question, “how do you make sure racial profiling does not happen?”
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Tacoma Police Department video.
We continue our “Talks with the Chief” series here with the Chief answering the question, “how do you make sure racial profiling does not happen?”
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Let’s stop the race madness, what about enforcing the rule of law , judge’s are woke and incompetent, in the face of that police can’t just quit doing their job!
Yes, let’s stop this madness. When police or any other public servant displays a bias of any kind from ANY of their staff, THAT PERSON should be dealt with…you don’t reprimand the entire department. That’s what contributed to this entire madness we’re living in…when some idiot in Seattle demanded that we dismantle the entire police department, because one or two people let their personal bias get in the way of doing their job. Those one or two should have been fired immediately. Instead, they chose to punish all of us by thinking we could survive without our police force. That’s not going to happen as we have learned the hard way.
Thank you very much to all of the police men and women who put their lives on the line every day for us. You are very much loved and appreciated by the majority of us!
Unfortunately, the police unions operate differently from typical unions. It is very difficult to punish or fire police officers. That is part of the problem, it is difficult to get rid of the “bad apples”. One solution would be for police to individually have liability insurance like doctors and counselors and probably other professions do. If an officer has too many complaints or lawsuits, they would be unable to get insurance and no longer meet the requirements of their job. Minnesota does this. The other thing that is happening now is that if police departments have too many lawsuits their department’s insurance goes up or at some point gets dropped. I’d rather see individual officers be responsible, which would save taxpayer dollars and get rid of the “bad apples” that supervisors or unions do not seem strong enough to discipline.