Tacoma Business Council announcement.
Vicious murder on Tuesday – Suspect was released by a Pierce County Judge just eight days earlier. A brutal murder happened this week that illustrates the importance of TBC’s Courts Accountability project. On Tuesday at 3pm a man was beaten to death near Pike Place Market. The suspect is Aaron Fulk-a convicted felon. Just eight days earlier, Fulk had been arrested in Pierce County for threatening to kill a Pierce Transit public safety officer. According to the Komo article below, the judge who released Fulk told him to “stay out of trouble and report to pre-trial services.” Our research shows that Fulk is a repeat offender with a criminal history including an Assault 3-Attempt from 2019 and other older history. If the Pierce County judge had set even a minimal bail of $500 or had ordered a mental health evaluation, that would have resulted in him either spending some time in jail or his family or friends being required to get involved in his life. However, by simply releasing Folk to pretrial services, no one in his family or community was made aware of the fact that he needed help. And, a tragic death occurred. Read more here:
TBC began monitoring Pierce County courts in June to learn what is happening when repeat offenders and others come before judges regarding bail and other terms of release.Because repeat offenders are reported to cause most of the crimes committed, TBC is working to learn more about the role the courts are playing in holding them accountable.
Who was the Judge?
Judge Thornton
Top down, bottom up. Y’all remember that?
This soft prosecution of repeat offenders is a political strategy of the progressive left and the globalist cabal that is funding minor candidates who will do their bidding.
The statistics that these violent criminals pile up are used against law-abiding citizens, to strip us of our God-given Constitutional rights.
We are falling victim to an unholy alliance between the likes of the World Economic Forum, and a political class that has been hired by them to destroy our sovereignty.
Murders in our backyards is not the problem, it is a symptom of the global communist agenda.
Spend a day doing some hard research.
It’s Orwellian to it’s core, and it’s never been this close to the surface.
All that’s needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.