City of Fircrest announcement.
Fircrest Police Chief John Cheesman has officially notified the City that he will retire in February 2023. When he leaves the Public Safety Building as Chief for the last time, he will have served in law enforcement for over 40 years – all with the Fircrest Police Department.
The City is grateful to Chief Cheesman for the extraordinary leadership he has provided to Fircrest and the surrounding community. We hope everyone will join the City in congratulating Chief Cheesman for his outstanding service to Fircrest and for his contributions to the law enforcement profession, especially as a passionate advocate for community policing.
Stay tuned for more information as the City develops plans in the coming months to celebrate his career and accomplishments.
By providing advance notice of his impending retirement, the Chief is giving the City the opportunity to implement a robust process to recruit and hire the next Chief of Police. More information about that process – and the community’s involvement – will be released as it is developed.
Well dang! Who’s going to harass people of color or giving taxation tickets for crossing city limits at 27 mph? Do you think he’ll stare blankly out his Gig Harbor view wondering about who’s oppressing the general citizenry?
It is with sincere appreciation I congratulate Chief John Cheesman on his retirement. Forty years of dedicated service to the community is an outstanding accomplishment. I wish the best to him and his family in retirement.
Congratulations to Chief Cheesman on his impending retirement! John has served his community and also regional law enforcement with distinction. Best wishes for your next chapter, Chief!
If the name Kerpal is a actual name and a real person, their comment seems a bit critical of the zero tolerance policy practiced by the Town of Fircrest. When I was 16 years old, more than 60 years ago, Fircrest’s zero tollerance policy was burned into my knowledge bank.
“You do not speed in Fircrest was the message. Behave your self in Fircrest”. I never dared speed in Fircrest.
That zero tollerance policy put the majority of people on their best behavior. The citizens of fircrest never had to put up with dangerous / killer drivers, nor excessive criminal activity.
Based on my observations, if there is a race problem, the problem is not having a racial minority being discriminated agaist by a white officer in Fircrest. The problem is a minority individual having no clue about compliance with law and the expectations of a civilized society.
In the meantime, Chief John Cheezeman has proven himselve to be an upstanding, dedicated, and morally sound law enforcement officer.
Kerpol, if you want to help solve falsely perceived race problems, simply teach minorities to behave themselves including obeying the law, and complying with the lawful order of police officers.
Chief Cheezeman, congratulations on you retirement and thank you for your 40 years of dedicated service to the citizens of Fircrest and Pierce County.
Joseph Boyle
And there we have it: simply teach minorities to behave themselves.
Yes, that’s what the problem is. You nailed it, Mr Former Police Officer.