Lakewood Community Foundation Fund announcement.

Larry Saunders served our country and our city with distinction, retiring from the Army to organize Lakewood’s Police Department, and serve as our first chief. Returning from Iraq, where he re-joined the Army to establish a police college in Baghdad, Larry embraced Lakewood with tireless community service: our Boys & Girls Club, Rotary Clubs, neighborhood associations, and the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund (LCFF). Larry was a ray of light. We were stunned when he died one morning in January, 2016.
To honor Larry, the City of Lakewood in partnership with the LCFF created an award to recognize exemplary service to Lakewood. The LARRY SAUNDERS SERVICE AWARD, is given annually to a person or organization who merits special recognition and community appreciation. This 2022 announcement occasions the award’s sixth year.
Nominations are open August 1-September 23, 2022 for the 2022 Larry Saunders Service Award. Click here to download a nomination form. Submissions instructions are on the nomination form.
Linked nomination form is good, regardless of typo; sorry.
I’m so glad that a photo was attached AND what a great picture. To see Larry every day & learn from him was so special to me & the other volunteers @ LPD. Several of the Deputy Sheriffs, Lt. Dave Korn, Chief Eileen Bisson, and many more worked tirelessly and were instrumental in organizing the “pilot program” for Washington State, developing the “DISABLED PARKING ENFORCEMENT” program, where volunteers were trained by uniformed officers, to enforce, write tickets, and make our neighborhoods safer. This pilot program was very successful, as was the “NEIGHBORHOOD SPEED WATCH VOLUNTEERS” spearheaded by several retired Generals, Col., Maj, etc.
Meeting Larry & Sally @ church where several relatives of theirs had ties to the neighborhood. THE THING that most impressed me with Larry was keeping his word. If he met you @ a town meeting or anywhere, he was always interested in people’s concerns & city problems. If Larry said he’d set up a meeting, organize something for the neighborhood, you could count on him to do or implement your request. He was VISIBLE! I miss him very much & was proud to work for him.
GOOD LUCK TO THE NOMINEES. Sincerely, Kristy Kernen