Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland press release.
Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10), Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), and Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) introduced the Reproductive Health Travel Fund Act to provide grant assistance to those who travel to receive reproductive health care.
“Access to safe and legal reproductive health care, including abortion, should not be limited to those with the resources to travel. The decision to overturn Roe already affects low-income families, particularly women of color, across the country,” said Strickland. “It is our responsibility to ensure equitable access to reproductive medical care for all women regardless of where they live. ”
“In my home state of Texas and across the country, we are in a health care crisis—a crisis growing worse each day,” said Congresswoman Fletcher. “One way to help people and organizations respond to this crisis is to authorize grants to eligible entities to pay for travel-related expenses and logistical support for women seeking abortion care in states where it is legal. I am glad to partner with Congresswoman Strickland and Congresswoman Bush in this effort to ensure that Americans can get the care they need no matter what state they call home.”
“Congress has a moral responsibility to do everything we can to support people seeking abortion care,” said Congresswoman Bush. “This legislation provides funding to community-based organizations assisting people in trigger-ban states like Missouri who now have to travel out-of-state to receive an abortion. As we continue to fight for our reproductive freedoms, I’m proud to join Congresswomen Strickland and Fletcher in leading this effort to ensure that there are systems in place to support people today.”
The legislation will establish a grant program through the Department of Health and Human Services to help ease the financial burden of pregnant people traveling long distances to access safe and legal reproductive health care.
Endorsing organizations include the Abortion Fund of Arizona, Abortion Fund of Ohio, Access Reproductive Justice, Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, Catholics for Choice, Center for Reproductive Rights, Chicago Abortion Fund, Fund Texas Choice, Holler Health Justice, Jane’s Due Process, Justice Empowerment Network, Kansas Abortion Fund, Midwest Access Coalition, NARAL, National Council of Jewish Women, National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, National Network of Abortion Funds, National Women’s Law Center, Physicians for Reproductive Health, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Power to Decide, Silver State Hope Fund, Tampa Bay Abortion Fund, URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, Utah Abortion Fund, and the Women’s Emergency Network.
Read the text of the bill here.
No way, should our State , pay to help women murder their babies. Has everyone gone mad, to want to help aid in killing a helpless baby??
It’s not a baby, until a point. Before that it’s cells.
Great, so now more of my tax dollars are going toward killing unborn babies. This is absolutely unconscionable.
Yet another reason Strickland needs to be replaced in Congress. “…..including abortion..”? How about primarily for abortion! Apparently Strickland sees abortion as a “growth industry” in states like Washington.
Interesting that Strickland uses the word “moral” and “abortion” in the same sentence. Does she mean the new moral where you do whatever you want with no accountability? Again, the recent branding of using “reproductive healthcare” to replace “abortion” is an oxymoron. More accurately the term should be “reproductive termination”, because that which is being reproduced is being terminated. To provide funding for women to travel to receive abortions is a ridiculous notion, squandering of our tax dollars and further evidence that she is not fit to legislate for the interest of our country.
For example, why are members of Congress focusing on special interest items when our the greater good could be served in remedying our abysmal economy. Significant inflation, exorbitant fuel prices, a crippled supply chain, and ongoing labor shortage to backfill the effects of the Great Resignation are all areas that Congress should be unilaterally focusing upon, to provide resolution for the greater good of our country.
Strickland is a self-serving politician who has built her career on race, gender, and Marxist ideology.
She clearly does not represent the majority, nor does she care to.
She hates conservatives who seek to preserve rather than destroy.
She considers herself a “strong woman”.
That used to mean what it says.
Now it means intolerant and scornful non-man.
“Congress has a moral responsibility to support abortion” – what?!
Your morals, Mx Strickland, and those of moral people are opposites, but then that’s the vocal minority you represent.
Vote her out!!!
You’re the authority on morality? Lol. Republicans are the least moral people on the planet.
She does represent the majority, that’s how she got elected: the majority of the people that voted, voted for her. I know republicans like to make up their own election results, because they’re so moral.
Repeat: “non-man”.
Interesting that Ms Strickland is continuing the legacy of Margaret Sanger and her Eugenics program against the African-American race. what a hero! Here we go again: women the kinder gentler sex: vacuuming out 30 million plus unwanted one night stands since 1973.
I agree, but the number is over 60 Million.
Thank you Ms. Strickland for working to keep our freedom of choice available for all. Thank you for not letting a loud vocal minority of people push their religious beliefs on us.
Keep fighting for freedom and liberty for all, not just the ones that agree with us.
Thank you Ms. Strickland for preserving the rights and freedoms for all of us regardless of ideology.
Thank you for fighting the tyranny of the religious right.
Thank you for making sure religion isn’t forced on all of us.
Thank you for fighting for freedom and liberty for all.
“Fighting for freedom and liberty of all”? This statement is not inclusive of the freedom and liberty of the babies who are terminated, is it?