Tacoma Business Council announcement.

The Tacoma Business Council’s next General Membership Meeting will be held July 11 (5:30-6:30 pm)at Court House Square, 1102 A Street, Tacoma, WA 98402.
One important topic on the Agenda will be our Court Accountability project. Throughout the month of June, TBC is monitoring the Pierce County courts to learn how judges are handling repeat offenders and other suspects accused of serious crimes. We have learned from TPD that a majority of crimes are committed by a relatively small group of repeat offenders. In our Court Accountability project, we are monitoring Felony Arraignments to learn what the Prosecutor seeks for each suspect and what the Judges do in response. We also seek to learn whether suspects released reoffend or violate the terms of their pretrial services while out of jail awaiting trial.
We hope to have preliminary findings to present at the July 11th meeting — stay tuned. RSVP for the meeting here.
That makes so much more sense than red flag laws or other restrictions on the rights of law abiding citizens.
Great approach.