City of Lakewood announcement.
The City of Lakewood will be holding a public hearing in front of the Hearing Examiner to review the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) applications for a new Master Facilities Plan. A staff report will be made available 5 days prior to the public hearing at
HEARING DATE: July 27, 2022
TIME: 9am
LOCATION: City Council Chambers, City of Lakewood, 6000 Main Street, Lakewood, WA 98499
Passcode: 099326 or DIAL IN: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 857 6031 0320 Passcode: 099326
APPLICATION NUMBER AND NAME: LU-20-00027 Western State Hospital Master Facilities Plan;
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The State Department of Social and Health Services has proposed a complete reconstruction of Western State Hospital and its campus. The proposed master plan update proposes an expansion of the hospital capacity including:
- A new 350-bed forensic hospital on the property. This will require the demolition of several existing buildings on site.
- A new 18-bed residential cottage at the Child Study and Treatment Center.
- A new community residential treatment facility (RTF) of 48 beds, contingent on completion of a parallel study to site community facilities throughout the region.
Long term, the state’s goal is to transition the hospital to serve primarily forensic patients (those who have been processed through the criminal justice system) and fewer civil commitment patients, which make up the majority of the approximately 850 patients on site today.
To support the new buildings, infrastructure and circulation improvements are also included in the proposal.
PROJECT LOCATION: 9601 Steilacoom Blvd SW (APN#0220283026; -027; 0220321007; 0220321022)
ZONING: Public Institutional (PI)
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The City of Lakewood issued an MDNS on June 6, 2022
OTHER PERMITS/PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Design Review, Building Permits, Plumbing/ Mechanical Permits, Electrical Permits by L & I, Site Development Permits, Right-of-Way Permit, Tree Removal Permit, Water Main Extension, Sanitary Sewer Extension.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Written Comments must be submitted by 5 P.M. July 26, 2022
All persons may provide written comments about the proposal to the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department at 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA. 98499, online at or by email to
Individuals who wish to testify at the public hearing may do so in person or via zoom (
Passcode: 099326 or DIAL IN: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 857 6031 0320 Passcode: 099326
Applicant: Bob Hubenthal, DSHS (all questions regarding the application should be forwarded to City staff below)
City: Courtney Brunell, Planning Manager,6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. Contact: (253) 983-7839 or
As the author of a letter to the editor for the Suburban Times, I believe it is important to note that the redevelopment should take cues from the Walter Reed Army Hospital’s 2005 closure and redevelopment, which continues to this day.
Western State Hospital should close its doors for good and become a historic site that allows everyone to fully understand the dark aspects of the facility throughout its existence (and the disturbing history of mental health treatments before the advent of medication-based therapy).
Redevelopment of the area should include a mix of residential and commercial uses that benefit both nearby towns. As for the issue of mental healthcare, our leaders in Olympia have to embrace a transformation of its services in terms of making mental and substance abuse treatment more accessible, something neither state hospital can deliver.
If I an reading this correctly, It sounds like a maximum high security for the criminally insane serving life? So pretty much a prison situation next door to a high school and wooded park and of course family neighborhoods??? I definitely need to mark my calendar for this town meeting.!.