Tacoma Business Council announcement.
Crime continues to increase across Tacoma. Homicides are at 22 for the year (11 at this time last year). Property crime is up significantly as well; burglaries are up 60.2%, motor vehicle theft is up 88.2% and robbery is up 117.5%. See the Citywide data below.

The full crime report here: June 16, 2022 Weekly Crime Report
Items For Your Calendars |
TBC Solutions Committee Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 Time: 5:30PM – 6:30PM If interested in joining the Solutions Committee, please email us! |
Waterfront Town Hall on Crime Date: Monday, June 27, 2022 Time: 5:30PM Location: Flagship Maritime Academy |
Economic Development Committee Presentation on Window Replacement Program Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 Time: 10:00AM Location: 747 Market Street and Zoom Webinar Link: www.zoom.us/j/86824127684Passcode: 614650 |
City Council Study Session Presentation on Therapeutic Courts Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 Time: 12:00PM Location: 747 Market Street and Zoom Webinar Link: www.zoom.us/j/89496171192 Passcode: 896569 |
TBC’s July General Meeting Date: Monday, July 11, 2022 Time: 5:30PM – 6:30PM Location: Court House Square |
Chief Moore’s Crime Reduction Plan City Council Study Session Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 Time: 12:00PM Location: 747 Market Street and Zoom Webinar Link: www.zoom.us/j/89496171192 Passcode: 896569 |
So what you do is, you build a big tall fence – square, round, rectangle – don’t matter.
Gotta have pokey stuff on top, and guards to keep things in or out.
On the inside, you put those who have no respect for themselves or others.
On the outside, well that’s everyone else.
At the entrance/exit, you have a courthouse with judges, along with mental health professionals, counselors, parole officers, and such, along with food, sanitation, and medical care.
The only way in or out is through that courthouse.
The length of one’s stay would be self-determined by conduct which is recorded by 24/7 surveillance.
Now do a cost analysis comparison with the scattered system we have in place currently.
Obviously crime would plummet on the outside of that fence, and we could stop trying to implement restrictions on Constitutional rights, for those who live on the outside of that fence.
Those on the inside of the fence will have all of their basic needs met, until they can get their feces cohesive.
The only real difference between that and what we have now, is that the “big fence” and consolidated resources model would actually work, and for a fraction of the current ju$tice $ystem.
Crime is big business, and all of the government programs that cater to it, want nothing more than for that meal ticket to continue.
Ideologues, foreign and domestic, who want to destroy our Constitutional Republic and free market system, also use crime to justify a progressive socialist agenda.
Crime is a weapon being weilded against our society, while we are being told it is something that we are culpable for.
Over time, minor criminals would find a better path on the outside of the big fence.
The inside of the big fence would contain a shrinking number of those who seek to do the greatest harm.
Of course some will say, “they will do terrible things to each other on the inside of the big fence”.
Most likely, and what better incentive to get out of there and never go back?
Maybe my kid could even walk to and from the park or ride her bicycle around the neighborhood.
Well said, however I don’t think you understand how important it is to ban plastic bags and straws. Let’s limit parking so people are forced to ride bicycles to work, or use ineffective, inefficient, and overly expensive public transportation with thugs as your commute-buddy.
Oh, another great idea is to make a city-council rule to address climate change! Brilliant. All of our gender studies, political science, grievance studies, and education majors are never burdened with a functional, practical education like economics, math, history, English, computer science, anthropology…
We have collectively opted for cultural and societal suicide. Don’t forget to get your vaccine which enlarges one’s heart, kills sperm count in men, disrupts pregnancies and protects you from…uh…what does it actually do again? Science!
The cognitive dissonance required for our leaders and our citizens to continue this path of destruction is truly amazing. It must hurt. Probably why the leftists are such hate-filled, angry hate-grenade tossers…
I am just so thankful as I pay $6.00/gal for gas and skyrocketing inflation, that I am no longer subjected to the harsh tweets from the scary Orange man.
After seeing the supernova of crime statistics, I don’t see how any city council member, or any other appointed or elected officials who pushed the abhorrent “defund the police” policies and anything else that requires responsibility for ones actions, don’t have their resignations in hand. Especially after having the chance to fix the mistakes they made in the last legislative session and they just ignored it and moved on. As Brian stated we know how to fix this and what works; enforce the law punish, crime and criminals, not law-abiding citizens
Brian and Brian–very well-said!