Tacoma Business Council announcement.
KOMO News covered TBC’s general business meeting on June 13. Joel Moreno’s news story focused on TBC’s ‘Court Accountability Project’ headed up by TBC Solutions Committee member, Courtney Wimer. Kudos to Courtney. She nailed her first PR closeup for us. Watch the news segment below.
Tacoma Business Council tracks judges’ rulings on releasing repeat offenders: Courtney Wimer, President of the WA State Bail Agents Association, Manager (All City Bonds -Tacoma) and a member of TBC’s Solutions Committee, recently brought to TBC’s attention issues with the pretrial process in the Pierce County courts.
The issue is a serious one. Pretrial services can be extremely useful, when used and monitored properly. There are many instances where the courts are not appropriately handling the pretrial procedures for repeat offenders or taking action on violations of conditions of pretrial services. Chief Moore has informed TBC that repeat offenders cause most of the work that TPD must handle. It is widely reported that repeat offenders are responsible for the majority of the crimes committed.
However, it appears that all too often these repeat offenders are being released in Pierce County. With many questions (What is happening during pre-trial proceedings? How are the accused being handled? How are repeat offenders being handled? etc,) on tap for review, on TBC’s behalf, Courtney began a project of monitoring pretrial hearings on June 1st for the entire month. We will be reporting on the results of that work as soon as it is available. Stay tuned. #tacomawa
David B. Moylan says
Here, here!
I have previously spoke loud and long the the core issue with preventing the criminal activity that plagues our community is not a lack of codes and regulations on the books to prohibit the offending behavior, but rather an apparent lack of process to execute progressively punitive punishment for those who continuously ignore and violate those laws with seeming impunity.
This creates an understandably frustrating position for our LE officers who want to do their job “Protect and Serve” our communities, but are thwarted by a backwards prosecutorial apparatus that appears to be at cross purpose to their obligation as officers of the court!
Let us be the squeaky wheel to turn the system back on track to serve the community rather than empowering continuing behavior that is destructive to the good order, safety and discipline of our community.
In short, stop trying to virtue signal your wokeness and use your vote in the upcoming elections to empower representative common sense an moral values in our government!