Clover Park School District announcement.

Clover Park High School (CPHS) held the 2022 Arlington Project Ceremony in person on Wednesday, May 25, after two years of virtual ceremonies due to the pandemic. The ceremony honored Memorial Day and the fallen service members who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our nation and freedoms. CPHS students constructed a display on the school’s front lawn with individually named markers for the more than 7,000 fallen soldiers from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Students Saige Pulsipher and Angel Calderon led the ceremony which included remarks from Chaplain Major Andrew Paulson from the Washington Army National Guard, Superintendent Ron Banner, Principal Tim Stultz and Chief of Integrated Warfighting Networks Peter Chiou from the Air Force Chief Architect Office.
The Clover Park High School JROTC Color Guard presented the colors, the choir sang “In Flanders Fields” and the band performed “God Bless America” and the “Star Spangled Banner.” The event concluded with the lowering of the flag as the Air Force JROTC Honor Guard performed “Taps.”
Guests walked the rows of The Arlington Project to read the names of fallen heroes, look for loved ones and show their respect. Thank you to the staff and students of CPHS, including teacher Thane Gallow who led event preparations for this important tradition in our community.

The Arlington Project tribute will be displayed through Memorial Day and community is invited to visit. A video showcasing the preparation for the project and the ceremony is available to view on the Clover Park School District YouTube page.
Thank you for YOUR commemoration and remembrance, joining others across our still great country. This we’ll defend, a valued institutional base, just in purpose, guided by civil tradition, dedicated to freedom and creative accord.
Thanks to the students who put this together every year. It is a wonderful,though sobering reminder of the sacrifices made to keep us free.