Washington Office of the Governor announcement.
Pursuant to the attached Presidential Proclamation, Governor Inslee hereby directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities be lowered to half-staff immediately, in remembrance of the one million American lives lost to COVID-19.
Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Monday, May 16, 2022.
Other government entities, citizens and businesses are encouraged to join this recognition.
Please note this Sunday is also Peace Officers Memorial Day and flags will already be at half-staff:
Governor Inslee hereby directs that Washington State and United States flags at all state agency facilities be lowered to half-staff on Sunday, May 15, 2022, in recognition of the annual Peace Officers Memorial Day.
The Governor’s Office has no objection to agencies lowering the flags at the close of business on Friday, May 13, 2022. Flags should remain at half-staff until close of business or sunset on Sunday, May 15, 2022, or first thing Monday morning, May 16.
Other government entities, citizens and businesses are encouraged to join this recognition.
Why? What’s your objection?
We don’t need a power-hungry political hack like Inslee to command us to respect anything – or is that a component of his on-going emergency powers?
Your lack of respect for those who have died is sad to witness. Your need to insert your hateful political rhetoric into this announcement tells more about the decline of civility from those who spew political nonsense 24/7. Even honoring the dead becomes a target for their endless hate.
The President ordered the flag to be lowered for the one million Americans who have died due to the pandemic. You thumb your nose at this because a governor you dislike followed a presidential request? Certainly our state can honor lives lost without it being political…or, is that asking for too much decency and personal awareness?
As you know, former President Trump called for the flag to be lowered when we reached 100,000 deaths for the same reason. I doubt you complained when Inslee lowered the flags at that time based on our president’s request.
Out of respect for those who have died and the families who have lost a loved one, don’t bother to respond with more of your unnecessary political garbage.
We are all diminished by loses suffered under the politization of “health and science”.
A moment of silence or a lowered flag does not right that violation of public trust by the very institutions we fund to look after our well-being.
That you defend those who played us and experimented on us, and continue to do so, shows your own political bias.
You have no idea how many people died “due to the pandemic”, and no one else does either since the “data” keeps changing.
If you really cared about people, you would be demanding an honest explanation as to the origin of this virus and the bizarre over-stating of its lethality.
You would care about the damage to people’s lives in all respects, from blanket policy that shut down the lives and livelihoods of healthy people.
You and I will never agree, probably about anything, but I do respect your right to speak up as you see fit.
Hmm. I wonder what your medical or contagious disease background is (and I don’t include social media as a good source). Mine is pretty limited, but what I do know is that 10 people that were friends, previous coworkers, or relatives died directly from Covid. In addition at least 8 people that I am aware of have suffered from long Covid, some with serious symptoms lasting as long as 2 years. In my entire life (I’m over 65) I have never known someone who died of flu or a cold. If anything 1 million deaths is an under count. You really think the leadership of entire world has been in cahoots on this? And to what end? I’m sure you have a theory.