“LAKEWOOD, Wash. – Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro is stepping down in December. Zaro has been with the department since it first formed and has served as chief since 2015.” Read the rest of the story at the KOMO News website.
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Chief Zaro,
At the school board meeting this past Monday evening Lakewood City Councilwoman Mary Moss shared the news of your retirement. I mentioned then during our school board regular public meeting, and do so again now, that you and those in your department meant a great deal to our family during our crisis. You called, your officers came, and it mattered. A lot.
On behalf of our family and our community, thank you.
A good man and a great leader who did so much for the department and the Lakewood community.
In the face of ludicrous leftist progressive policy that put criminals first, Lakewood never lost control like Tacoma, Seattle, Portland, and so many others.
Los Angeles is being described as on the verge of civil collapse.
Law and order isn’t so much about what you see, but what you don’t see.
Thanks chief for your dedication to the community.
I hope your successor is as capable.
Chief Zaro has been an excellent leader. Thanks so much for your service to Lakewood!
Chief Zaro,
Thank you for a career of inspired leadership and community service.
Now you’ll have time to write a book. Every good wish.
Chief Zaro,
Mike, thanks to you (and your two predecessors) for being dedicated to what many of us see as Lakewood’s culture and the Unity within our Community. Our Lakewood Police force is critical to the stability of our area and your leadership played a significant role in the continuity of service it continues to provide.
And your many well done programs at our Lakewood United gatherings were greatly appreciated.
Kris Kauffman, President, Lakewood United