Submitted by Rotary Club of UP-Fircrest.

The Rotary Club of UP-Fircrest celebrated Earth Day with a work party at the University Place Post Office. At 1 p.m. 9 club members and four community members gathered at the post office to carry out a much needed cleanup focused on the employee parking lot. The group attacked encroaching blackberries, tansy ragwort, and overgrown shrubs, plus weed whacking and blowing debris out of the front parking lot. This was a second installment of the club’s Labor Day 2021 cleanup.
The work party included Club President Frank Erickson, Club President Elect and UP councilmember Stan Flemming, Linda Kaye Briggs (Rotary Asst. Area Governor), Kenn Triebelhorn, Larry Baer, Karol Whealdon-Andrews, Claudia Ellsworth, Micki and Alyson Stebbins, Michael Ellsworth and Dylan Ellsworth, James and Susie Fukuyama.
Among its other activities, the club has held recent multiple food drives with help from Safeway and Fred Meyer stores, and honored Curtis Junior High School Students of the Month for many years. The club has also provided baseball scoreboards at Cirque Park, and computers and printers at the University Place Library Teen Center. A listing of international projects can be found at the Club’s webpage,
Until 2021, the club was known as Tacoma Narrows Rotary, but clubs need to have a name that indicates their service area. As the number of clubs in Pierce County grew, it became important to change the club’s name to more closely mirror its service area. The club is still meeting via Zoom, and a meeting invitation can be found at the webpage.
Great project. Thanks for doing this.