West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post.
Bill’s Boathouse on American Lake burned over the past weekend. The building is a total loss. The cause is under investigation.
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West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post.
Bill’s Boathouse on American Lake burned over the past weekend. The building is a total loss. The cause is under investigation.
Over the weekend, crews responded to a fire at Bill’s Boathouse on American Lake. Neighbors woke to the popping sounds of the fire and called 9-1-1.
— West Pierce Fire & Rescue (@WestPierce) April 5, 2022
Unfortunately, the building is a total loss. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation. pic.twitter.com/SK4sKiWqbe
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As many of you know, I am normally not at a loss for words. The news of the complete destruction of Bill’s Boathouse in Tillicum is one of those times where it is difficult for me to come up with just the right words.
The sad news can’t help but have a horrific impact on David Anderson and his family. David is a great community friend.. Beyond David there are thousands of people in and outside of Lakewood who have long-term reccolections of memerable times at Bill’s Boathouse.
The boathouse was founded by the original owner, Bill something close to 75 or 80 years ago. Thousands of visitors have made their way to this iconic location for fishing, boating, and generally having a good time. This includes kids, parents, and grandparents.
During my half century in Lakewood, I too have clear memories of my times with Bill’s Boathouse and the owners..
While David Anderson may look beaten down today, I am confident David Anderson will rise from the ashes of Bill’s Boathouse to give the Lakewood community a new place to continue to gather and enjoy life.
Yes, as the article above states, “There is hope.”
Joseph Boyle – Lakewood resident 51 years.
Thank you Joe for your so kind words from so far away. When you called this morning it meant so much to me which I shared with the family. Community does matter.
Hello David et al
My folks built a place on Silcox directly across from Bill’s in the mid 70s and next to the place your folks eventually bought on the island. I think my dad started construction about the time your family took over Bill’s. I remember your dad being absolutely tireless!
Bill’s was an integral part of my growing up. As a kid, I’d come over “to the mainland” (which really meant Bill’s) to ask for advice about fishing gear & where they were biting on the lake. Your folks were always so patient, kind and gracious with me. I remember when your folks put in those freshwater tanks with all the silvers & rainbow! Such a wonderous place!
I’m so sorry for your loss and wish you the best as you move to launch the next chapter for Bill’s.
Thank you John for sharing these memories! Our family is compiling a scrapbook of such things and we will add yours!