Washington State Senate Democrats announcement.
On March 18 the governor signed into law Senate Bill 5838, sponsored by state Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest), to address a diaper need for Washington families who are on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) after the bill passed nearly unanimously from the Legislature.
“We have a paramount duty to ensure the safety and health of our communities,” said Nobles. “As a result of the skyrocketing prices of diapers, Washington families and children have been burdened with cost for a necessity.”
The Diaper Need Act directs a monthly diaper subsidy to be distributed by the Department of Social and Health Services to parents and caregivers who receive TANF and have children under the age of three years old to help pay for diapers.
Currently, parents and guardians unable to provide disposable diapers for their children have been unable to access childcare, impeding their ability to go to work or attend school. Many early childcare programs, except for early Head Start, require an adequate supply of diapers for child attendance.
The text of the bill is available here. The act takes effect Nov. 1, 2023.
Senator T’wina Nobles might have done some good here BUT did you know that she also introduced SB 5485 to forbid police from pulling over drivers who do not have a drivers license, registration or proof of insurance (this information is often made available to officers through data available through a computer in the police vehicle). It would also prohibit officers from stopping those who drive with their high beam lights on, fail to make a proper stop, or fail to move right for emergency vehicles.
I emailed her on this bill and she not only not reply back but took me off her mailing list. She lost my vote next time around and I want the public to know which I told friends neighbors and acquaintances.
The very same was on twitter lamenting the increase in crime in the area.
She has lost my vote !!!